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General Information
What is AZSEC?
AzSEC is an annual student conference on renewable energy science, technology and policy. The conference welcomes graduate students and post-docs from ASU, UA, and NAU to share their own research, learn about and discuss cutting-edge research through presentations, Grand Challenge Interdisciplinary groups, posters, and discussions. This conference is a prime opportunity for peer networking and ideas exchange!
AzSEC is supported and attended by industry leaders and University faculty who are accessible to talk with during panels, evening mixer and poster session.
Networking • Panels • Presentations • Poster Competition
What COVID-19 and/or face covering policies are in place for the event?
The latest COVID-19 and face covering policies for The University of Arizona, Tucson can be found on their UArizona COVID-19 Policy
When and where is the AZSEC conference?
The 2024 AzSEC Conference will be held from April 4th – 5th 2024 at The ENR2 Building at the University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ.
1604 E Lowell St, Tucson, AZ 85719
What will it cost to attend?
There is no fee to attend the in person events of the conference, however registration is required. Your hotel stay and meals are covered by AzSEC.
The final deadline to register for a room is March 20th.
Who do I contact if I have questions about AZSEC Conference Registration?
- UArizona: Jen Garcia,; (520) 621-6162
- ASU: Ruby Sayed,; (480) 965-5311
- NAU: Gabe Montano,; 928-523-2353
Activities and Events
Will there be networking opportunities?
Networking opportunities will include a dinner event.
Will there be any organized Conference excursions?
No planned excursions.
Conference Coordinators
UArizona - Jen Garcia:
ASU - Ruby Sayed:
NAU - Gabe Montano,