
Institute for Energy Solutions (IES) is a member institution of the Arizona Institute for Resilience (AIR). IES provides a hub for cross-college energy science, policy and technology research and development, which benefits the public and enhances the land-grant mission of the University of Arizona. The Institute is a platform for energy experts, who work closely with industry, NGOs, government, and communities to address emerging energy challenges and opportunities.  

Specifically, the Institute promotes team building with the AIR mission and network to address new and emerging basic science needs; more reliably integrate renewable energy into the grid and energy storage research initiatives; develop novel materials for energy conversion, energy-efficient water use and intelligent building technologies; support regional test beds and facilities and study the societal and economic impacts of technological advancements.  Through partnerships, we expand our breadth of social, scientific, economic, and engineering capabilities to transfer knowledge from the laboratory to the field. 

IES works to advance research, outreach and educational activities at the University of Arizona, focused on creating safe, resilient, and secure Energy Solutions.  The institute builds on the success of the University of Arizona Renewable Energy Network (UAREN) to create an organization that expands the collaboration with others to respond to the deeply interrelated sustainability issues associated with the energy-water-food nexus and implements solutions that reach under-served populations on a regional scale.

Strategic Initiatives

The IES team is organized around the promotion of the following initiatives:

  • Basic Energy Sciences – fundamental research to understand, predict, and ultimately control matter and energy across length scales to provide the foundation for new energy technologies;
  • Manufacturing of Energy-Relevant Materials and Devices  – advance high-impact energy technologies towards the private sector; and
  • Building-Integrated, Renewable Energy Solutions - ensure existing and future buildings will be durable, comfortable, and high-performance components of energy systems

Additional strategic initiatives will be developed through faculty engagement and collaborations with Research, Innovation and Impact, industry partners, and stakeholders.

IES and the Energy-Water-Food Nexus