Jim Field

Dr. Jim A. Field is currently the assistant dean of engineering and professor at the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of Arizona. Prior to serving 20 years at the University of Arizona, Dr. Field worked for 9 years as an assistant professor at Wageningen University (in The Netherlands) in a joint position with the departments of Industrial Microbiology and Environmental Technology. Dr. Field served a post-doctoral researcher in chemical engineering at the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (1989-1991) and earned his PhD at Wageningen University in 1989. Dr. Field has (co-)authored 280 refereed journal publications. His journal publications have been cited 19,000 times and his Google Scholar H Index is 77. Dr. Field conducts research on the bioremediation, biodegradation and biotransformation of hazardous chemicals. He has worked extensively on the biogeochemical cycling of arsenic; environmental fate of chemicals used in the semiconductor manufacturing industry; biodegradation and biotransformation of nitroaromatic and explosive compounds and the treatment of acid rock drainage.